Tag Archives: Martell

Pigeons are awesome…

Nearly 5 years in the making, this 6 min. short made by Lucas Martell and his dream team of animators, takes its audience on a wild ride of a secret agent’s battle against a witty, smart, and hungry Washington D.C. pigeon.

It offers one of the best story lines, visuals and an awe inspiring soundtrack that you’ll forget this wasn’t done by Dreamworks or Pixar. But this was not made to be an awards winning piece; it all began with “a simple test animation, [which] quickly ballooned into a no-holds-barred attempt at studio-level CGI filmmaking” said Martell’s PressKit.

It’s true, this film was not created to gain a huge recognition but it blossomed after receiving numerous awards from almost 18 best in show contests, and film festivals world wide.

All done on less the $10,000 dollars, it is hard to see the difference between such an honest production of a clean and magnificent story, and the same productions cased out by big businesses. The short’s soundtrack alone is its testament to how dedicated these individuals were to the project.

Close to one-hundred performers and one amazing composer (Christopher Reyman), put together and arranged the sound heard for the whole 6 minutes with no dialogue to overshadow.

The film works strictly on the bases of no words, and all feeling, which is a technique made popular by classic black and white films and used more cordially but small animations. This adds to the over all story and combines well with the mesh of hard octane pigeon madness.

Even the ending, which I will not reveals, give the story a pleasant, if not hilarious, top off of comedy and entertainment.

At the moment, the film is making its rounds on tour in several countries. For more information and some entertaining/ informative videos visit “Pigeon: Impossible.”